Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Run in Honor of Baby Emmet

Emmet was born yesterday and for the short duration of his life was loved fully and completely.  My prayers are with his parents Jaysun and Dana as they carry a wound no parent is capable of carrying. 

So today, I wore my sunglasses inside and left my hotel for a long run for Emmet, to run in honor of his strength and that of his family.  I ran because I didn't know what else to do.  I ran because I could and he won't be able to.  I just ran.

Parents walk a fine line between fear and exhilaration.   So much out of our control, tenuous dreams and so many snares.  Yet we also find moments of pure clarity, and heart bursting love.  Moments in which hearts are one and we know our only purpose is to fully love.

I ended my 10 miles today by running as fast as I could.  I felt my heart pound and my lungs strain and I long for the day in which I see Jaysun, Dana and Emmet reunited.  Running together fully secure in love and joy.

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